Sunday, January 9, 2011

Getting to know the Pepsimama

Hey all!

This is my first real blog. With that said, I thought I would give a little background information on the real me.

I was born and raised in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. I spent 24 of the 26 years of my life there. Growing up there during my time was great. It was still a rather small town. I remember when Decatur ended at Tropicana, and there was nothing passed Rainbow. I have an older brother, who is ten and a half years older than me. We are really close. My father still lives there, my mother took off back to Michigan a year before my wedding.

I met my husband in my pool hall. He is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. I knew I was going to marry him when after dating for only a few weeks, he gave me money to say good-bye to my grandmother before she died. My family all called him a hero. My family all loves my husband, but it is quite the opposite on the other side. I'm pretty sure all my in-laws hate me which is fine. There are a select few that I think like me enough to tolerate me. HA!

I have a son. He was born 7-6-07. He couldn't just wait that one more day, could he? He is my entire world. I suffer from Mom-syndrome. I often think I'm not doing a good enough job. That he isn't doing what he should be doing at his age. Brings me to irrational tears at night. He is "moderately" behind on his speech. When he speaks its in half-words, and mixed up letters, so from someone on the outside hears him, they cannot understand him. My hearts is so heavy because of it. He's a very smart boy, I just hope the speech can be fixed soon.

I'm tall and skinny. I can't fix either one. I'm not bulimic, or anorexic. It's how I was made. As much as I wish I was thirty pounds heavier, I'll just have to wait until I'm older. Suck it up. I don't like it either. And NO I'm not a size 0 and I never was.

My husband is in the army. I'm not friends with the Army at the moment. Their inadequacy with paperwork has separated us from my husband for three months now. I often feel as though I am being punished by some supreme power. I tried apologizing, begging and pleading to God so that we can be a family before the D-word comes. Three months has gone by, I'm obviously not being heard.

I'm tired, so I'm going to cut this little introduction short for tonight. When I start typing, I get ADD. I bounce all over. My writing is very random. I will, however, say this much: there may be things that I say/type that are irrational, crazy, and sometimes completely bias. If you don't like it, I think you know what to do, exit off the page. If you have an opinion as to what I say, make your own blog. It's simple.

Now go have a Pepsi, it'll make you feel better.
