Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm finally seeing a little light.

"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." Vince Lombardi 

It seems as though I am in middle of the tunnel. I can see a small pin-prick of light now. I received a call yesterday that gave me some hope into Germany. I have to get some papers re-signed. I have to get a physical and some lab work. I'm still waiting on the paperwork to be emailed to me. I have an appointment on Tuesday. They said that the baby needs to see a speech therapist for an evaluation and to start up whatever program they put him on. Possible three consecutive visits before we can be cleared for proverbial take-off. My only hope is that I can get out to Germany before March. March is when the real test can begin. A test I don't even want to think about at the moment. I hope "the grass isn't always greener on the other side" doesn't imply Germany. I love my husband and I just want to be with him. I'm excited to see some movement.

I was reading today on that my son is doing everything he needs to be doing at three years old. A lot of the things he cleared on the four year old and five year old levels as well. This made me so happy, and a burden was lifted off my shoulders. He is behind on his speech, so some of the skills mentioned on the language aspect were not accomplished by my son. That is okay with me. Just knowing that I'm doing a good job, at least based off of that website, makes me feel like the greatest mom ever. Some people disagree with how I raise him, and what I'm doing, but I also have to take in stride that these people raised their kids before I was born, or don't even have children. Yes, my son plays Super Nintendo, and passes levels on Super Mario World with a breeze. Yes, my son plays games on, and on the Disney website. Those games on the Disney website are hard too. Some of them I can't even do. I watch my son play Dino Dan online and he builds dinosaurs from the fossils like he's been doing it all of his life. I asked him one day, "how did you know how to do that?" he said it was easy. He amazes me. And yes, I will say, my son plays WoW. I watch him closely. The game isn't violent as many people may think. And to think that people would actually think I would allow my kid to play anything violent absolutely offends me. He flies around town on my dragon. Maybe kills a wolf or two. He doesn't last long on the game before he's wanting me to put up nick games. He doesn't play all day long, and is only allowed to play if he eats all of his dinner. (which is a very rare occurrence) This won't last for much longer. He's getting to that age where his memory is going to start to develop and I don't want him later on boasting that he was playing before he could remember. I never force my son to sit and learn this or that. I want him to love learning. To force a child to sit and learn will only take you so far. Today I watched him open up his flash cards of the alphabet and look at the letter and flip the card and stare at the picture. I sat with him and told him big A, and little a. So on and so forth. He can't say letters, but he knows what they are. I"m sure of it.

"The secret in education lies in respecting the student."Ralph Waldo Emerson